Berg Ruimtescheppen has extensive experience with building demolition. Nothing is impossible and we will take care about everything for you!
Large, modern machines
Specialized tools
Endless possibilities
Demolishing a shed or business premises? Call BERG!

Business space/building demolition
We love to demolish business premises. Nothing is impossible for BERG. Every project is different and has to be demolished/dismantled in its own way. With our years of experience and involved people, we know exactly how to choose the best way to finish your project.
“For all our clients – we are the demolition giants!”
Demolition with feeling
Do you have a commercial space or building that has to be demolished? We would be happy to visit you and see how can we help you with your project. Of course we will look for the most cost-effective solution for you.

Are you interested in having your business premises demolished?
Please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss the possibilities